We Recommend to Visit Our Support Forum Before Proceeding For Refund. We also advise you to properly check our product features list, video tutorials, documentation, blogs. If you have any pre-sale queries, please ask questions to our friendly support forum or live chat.

wpxpress.net tries to release products with features to satisfy your purchase 100%. If you find anything wrong with our product’s functionality, we try our best to squash it out immediately.

wpxpress.net offers the most flexible refund policy to its customers. All product purchases at wpxpress.net have a 14 Days Money Back Guarantee. Before applying for a refund request please read the following conditions. Please remember! We don’t offer a refund for features that the product doesn’t include.

Cases We Offer Refund:

  1. If the product you purchased is completely non-functional.
  2. If our support team unable to resolved the problem.
  3. If the main product description does not match what it actually offers.

Cases We Don’t Offer Refund:

  1. You request a refund after 14-days of purchase.
  2. You have changed your mind about an item or choose not to use the product anymore.
  3. You bought an item by mistake and the product(s) were sent/already downloaded by you.
  4. You bought an item at a special price (e.g. promotions/discounts/offer) will not be eligible for refunds.
  5. You opened any dispute before telling our support team about your problem.
  6. You are not able to configure the product for lack of skill.
  7. Your web server doesn’t meet the requirement of WordPress or denied to update the PHP, MySQL.
  8. Your existing scripts conflict with other 3rd party software(others theme, plugins, addons, scripts and etc) connected or installed on your WordPress website.
  9. We don’t offer a refund for any feature you ask for that is not listed in our product description. (N.B: It is best for you to check the feature list and if the product has any demo preview, then check it too)
  10. We don’t offer any free custom work. Anything extra you need will have to be done by you or any third party you hire. No refund will be issued on such a ground.
  11. We don’t offer a refund for accidental purchases or mistaken purchases or wrong purchases.
  12. We don’t offer a refund for auto-renewal. You can disable subscription contact us from our support system. Please note: you won’t receive any latest update and support after the expiration of the subscription.

If you have any further questions or need assistance of any kind, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team, we will be glad to solve your issue.

You are eligible to ask refund when above conditions are matched. Your refund claim is applicable within 14 days of your purchase. Refund is issued within 7 working days after refund request.

Updates to the refund policy

This refund policy can be updated at any time, without prior notice, and is applicable immediately for all subscriptions and subscribers. It is considered an integral part of our Terms & Conditions and its acceptance is mandatory for all users.

wpxpress.net reserves the right to refuse refunds if any efforts of refund policy abuse are detected.